Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Johnny Appleseed Festival

We were glad to be back at the Johnny Appleseed Festival in Ft. Wayne, Indiana! We look forward to the friendly crowds, the sound of the bagpipes, the firing of the cannons, and the smell of yummy stews cooking over open fires. Where
else can you look up and see "President Lincoln", "Johnny Appleseed", or some Patriots in your booth?

We like to visit with our many repeat customers at the Johnny Appleseed Festival. One young teen has been buying a piece of wooden ware every year since she was as tiny as this little miss, who is already an experienced cook but was using her discriminating taste to pick out her first rolling pin.

Old Threshers 2010

Old Threshers is a home show for us. Meaning that this is a show which is close enough that we sleep at home at night, that we have lots of family around, and that it is the first show we ever did.

John got to start teaching a new generation to carve.

Our booth always attracts a good deal of attention with young and old fascinated by watching John, John and a little one, sometimes a daughter or daughter-in-law, or one of our sons, at the carving bench.

These little ladies were fascinated:

I'm not sure how to best describe Old Threshers but if you get a chance to come to this you certainly should and you can expect to see and enjoy:

steam trains
steam engines
stationary steam engines
electric trolleys
draft horses
theater museum
doll museum
antique cars
antique carousel
antique printing presses
log cabin village
Snipe Run old town
Sweet Sixteen competition
Thresher's meals
electrical museum (begun by Vera Mae Weyer and the late John W Weyer)